Business Card


Archival reference PM091198 / Box 3 / File ME6  [Patience Muffet] Business Card


Notes from file: Business card for P. Muffet, scan (original remains with family). Versions of this presentation, with ever improving graphics, were used on business cards and in advertising for the first 20 years of the business, until Patience hired an advertising firm. The company was “re-branded” with a logo and ads that featured frightened housewives standing on furniture (see below). The ad agency kept the tag line, however, with one small change: “Don’t Rough it! Call Muffet!” More than one former employee believes that it was around this time that Patience started planning to move on to other things. She was not a fan of the changes but felt she owed it to her employees to keep growing the company.

The images below were taken from the Internet and are not part of the physical archives.


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