
They live for ages within the collective human imagination, embedded in the folklore of many different peoples and cultures. Do they want out?

Reconnoitering fabulists, lost archaeologists, misplaced anthropologists, carefully incautious archivists, transient folklorists, and many-hatted misfits, welcome to the Fabled Obituaries Project. Please read the pages you find here and then believe or don’t.

I can’t survive with the work and care about others believing at the same time.

You may send me your thoughts, for better or worse, to fabledobituaries@gmail.com.  If you believe you have come upon a fabled life, please put the word “Living,” or the word “Deceased” in the subject line. If deceased, the first line of your email should be a link to their obituary. Please tell me everything you can. It is impossible to provide me too much information about the subject.  If you can point me too original source material, I am grateful. It is unlikely I will be in contact with you. Do not take this personally.

You have my regards in any case.


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